Good sport

March 19th, 2014

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My main mode of television consumption is reading Emily Nussbaum’s New Yorker reviews of shows- thanks to these reviews I never have to bother with actually watching The Americans, It’s always sunny, Community, or any of the channel Pivot. In the recent Cool story, bro, a review of HBO’s True Detective, I on top of snacking on TV tidbits was given permission to, like Nussbaum, get tired of being the Cool girl, being the good sport when something smells like macho nonsense.

I’m tired of it.

Last month James and I spent some time cutting more complicated shapes with our 4-axis hot wire cutter, including some roofs for a model barn James has been working on. Here’s the video of it I somehow haven’t blogged yet:

Much more at

James has some little injection moulded white plastic figurines you can scatter around in your model, to give a sense of human scale. While putting them on our fancy styrofoam blocks, I was annoyed at the anatomical improbability of the women, and the fact that all the men are wearing suits.

Men with weird tufts of sprue-hair and also suits.

Women with a lot of boobage and buttage.

Smells like macho nonsense. I’m tired of it.

Here’s the setup though,

And another 4-axis object with actors with Croftian proportions decorating.

Expect more about the machine stuff soon, but for now I’m busy being pissed off all the time by all the chauvinist microaggressions in everything. Bah. is by nadya peek. she'd love to hear from you.