Popfab episode 1
Ilan and I built a foldable briefcase sized fabricator that can 3d print, mill, vinyl cut, and plot. Here episode one of introductions.
Ilan and I built a foldable briefcase sized fabricator that can 3d print, mill, vinyl cut, and plot. Here episode one of introductions.
Lima has an electronics market district called Paruro where […]
Biting interfaces, social networks, secrets and fears.
Our bodies continue beyond our flesh and bones […]
There are many different ways to elect a winner from a group of candidates […]
We use an agent-based evolutionary model of the vowel system. This model uses genetic algorithms which selects agents on clarity -
How do humans learn language? According to the usage based model of construction grammar, language is inductively learned. Linguistic input can be interpreted by making analogies with previously seen language. However, how does one start to interpret linguistic input before one has experiences to compare it to? […]
A payment system that commanded social interaction to be able to acquire drinks during the night of performance art event It’s Happening Now!