How to make something that makes almost anything: Machine introduction

February 16th, 2015

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So I’m teaching How to make something that makes almost anything the semester (MIT MAS.865), and I decided to post my slides here in case anyone was interested.

I make my slides using latex and the beamer package, and link videos the the same way my neighbour Andy does. I present using pdfpc too. Thanks open source!

To be able to extract images from the pdfs, I use imagemagick like this:

convert -density 300 machines.pdf machines%02d.jpg

and to then make html for this blog I use this bash command:

for filename in *.jpg; do echo "<p>
<a href=\"$filename\">
<img src=\"$filename\" width=600>

Here is week one!: is by nadya peek. she'd love to hear from you.