Novena the open source hardware laptop

May 13th, 2014


Sometimes a term is so evocative it becomes hard to think about all the details,


April 16th, 2014

I got a voicemail, and almost died laughing:

Uh, uh, uhhh, and that is where it ended.

Thanks to Joe!

Disregard that particular flavour

April 16th, 2014


On cell phones, open source hardware, Shenzhen, Shanzhai, manufacturing, and disregarding technological solecism

Backcountry skiing in Prättigau and Ötztal

April 1st, 2014


Good sport

March 19th, 2014

dolls-s.jpg What is with this anatomical improbability?

Google glass 1 vs. 2 from an x-ray perspective

February 12th, 2014


Replacing a w530 thinkpad lcd: a tech saga told in the flippant tone of hindsight

February 4th, 2014

Yeah nbd, except it was, at the time.

I went to the World Economic Forum again this year, and ran Popfab, an MTM snap on gestalt, and a Form1 from my laptop, that I had also installed Antimony on for demo purposes. Unfortunately, the day before I left I dropped a full spool of PLA on […]


January 3rd, 2014


3D printing on Canadian public radio

December 9th, 2013

I was an interviewee on this radio show:

The Revolution Will Be Extruded
There’s a lot of buzz about 3-D printers — guns! skin grafts! But as Regina computer scientist David Gerhard discovers, these machines, and the people who use them, are about to revolutionize the way we think about manufacturing, and how we get stuff.

I […]

тхе греатест мови евер!

October 29th, 2013

From Fablab 77, Dmitry Sukhotskii

